You have a blog for your website. Understanding that blogs increase traffic to your site, you have dedicated time to post regularly. Ensure that you are writing the most effective post by following strong SEO practices. By incorporating these elements, you are sure to be maximizing blog posts for SEO.

Use keywords for SEO

Every page of your website should have a unique keyword or phrase. This is necessary in every blog post as well. Choose your keywords, use them in your title, URL and page description.

Use subheads

Subheads not only help bring the reader’s eye to important sections but are an often overlooked SEO element. Repeat keywords in your subheadings.

Maximizing Blog PostsHave images

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” Not only are images a strong visual component to a webpage, they can help with improving your ranking. Alt text is added to an image so there will be a descriptive text when the image for whatever reason can’t be displayed to the visitor. Be sure to add alt texts to all images that you use. The alt text should include your SEO keyword and describe the image.

Include links

By linking to a related article in every post, you are helping improve your site’s SEO. Outbound links to relevant content on other sites may help you to attract targeted visitors to your blog. Don’t be afraid to link to other blogs. Keep in mind, too many outbound links may be annoying from the perspective of your visitors. Inbound links, which are links to content within your site, are also good to have and can bring your readers to other parts of your site.

Size matters

The recommendation of a 300 word minimum per post used to be the guideline. Articles of 300 words or more are less likely to put you at risk for infringing on “thin” content. Search engines don’t like skimpy posts. Longer articles get more traffic and rank higher in SEO, especially for competitive terms than shorter posts. This is good news for people that have a lot to say.

Maximizing blog posts for improved ranking

With some extra attention to SEO elements you can maximizing blog posts to improve your site’s ranking. Most blogging platforms support incorporating the elements. There are SEO plugins that you can use as well. Of course, having content strategy will help in the writing. Useful information on writing effective blog posts can be found on Hubspot.