Website Hosting FAQ

Website Hosting FAQ

This website hosting FAQ is a great place to start if you’re planning to launch a business website. It provides a review of some basic information regarding hosting services. Website hosting FAQ What is an Internet Service Provider? Do I need one? An Internet...
Good-bye 2015!

Good-bye 2015!

It’s been a busy year for me professionally (personally as well). There were many new challenges to face and new skills to learn. My clients’ needs change and evolve as their businesses grow. I have to change along with them, to ensure that I can serve...
Questions for Potential Clients

Questions for Potential Clients

Whenever I receive an inquiry about website design, there are several questions I like to review with potential clients. My main goal is to find out some necessary information to help me understand the purpose of the site, the scope, and what steps might need to be...
Practice What You Preach

Practice What You Preach

As we come to the end of 2015, I realize how much we look to a new year as a fresh start, a chance to begin anew. I’m always encouraging my clients to update their websites. I tell them that static sites don’t rank well. A website is not something one just...