Website Design
Sacred Healings

Sacred Healings
Creating a warm and inviting design
A recently launched website created for a Reiki Master Teacher, Advanced IET Practitioner, Shekinah Reiki Master, Soul Plan Reader and Deck of Light Oracle Card Reader. The client provided a logo design that helped establish a warm color palette for the website. The site has earthy aesthetic which includes light, neutral colors of soft golds and browns and a mix of bohemian and minimalist styles. The images also have earthy tones that give the site an inviting, comforting vibe. It is important that a website evokes warmth, calmness and peace, that it highlights your expertise, draws the visitor in and provides them with a compelling reason to stay on the site and explore.
As this is a new website, implementing on-page SEO is necessary to help serach engines find the website so that it can begin to appear in searches. This process can take a few months therefore it is always a good idea to get your domain and have a Coming Soon page until your website is ready to launch.
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